Custom Synthesis

BoldChem provides customized synthesis services for a variety of organic compounds, especially pharmaceutical intermediates, electronic chemicals and fine chemical with high technical barriers, difficulties and high-added values. We can synthesize high-quality target chemicals with weight ranging from milligrams to kilograms up to tons, so as to achieve rapid response, affordable prices, quality assurance, comprehensive data, timely delivery and customer satisfaction.

Our customized synthesis team has extensive and in-depth professional knowledge in the field of synthetic organic chemistry, capable of independently designing compound synthesis routes, and has rich experience in handling complex compounds. Through continuous production practice, we have accumulated rich experiences in organic synthesis. During the customized synthesis process, our R&D team leader will strictly formulate a schedule, control nodes, and refine every process of the project as much as possible.

Our customized synthesis services include the synthesis route development, process optimization, and scale-up production services, especially the process development and production of some high-end fine chemicals. We assist customers in selecting and developing process routes that are stable, reliable, low-cost, process safe, environmentally friendly, and suitable for large-scale production by evaluating the technical feasibility of the selected route, equipment availability, availability of raw materials and reagents, number of step reactions, patent protection of production routes, and environmental impact.